Day and Night

“The Levite family leaders who were the musicians also lived at the temple. They had no other responsibilities, because they were on duty day and night.” 1 Chr 9:33

David made worship a central part of his kingdom. More time is spent in the book of 1 Chronicles describing the details of establishing the ministry of the priests and those who were appointed to worship than any other aspect of David’s Kingdom. This is how it should be.

Often times worship is an after thought. But can you imagine being a King whose nation was surrounded by enemies, during a period of rapid growth and expansion, and yet writing songs which are still used as devotional material for more than ¼ of the world’s population 3000 years later. His son Solomon, according to 1 Kings 4:32, wrote 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs! This family understood the priority of worship!

According to David’s design, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, the Levites were the ones who served the people in worship. This verse tells us three things about their lives which are a key to understanding how worship was and should be prioritized. They are:

1. They lived in the temple

Their address was the house of God. Of all the places on earth, God had chosen to manifest Himself uniquely in this place, and it is here that the Levites called home. They woke up in the Presence, they worked in the Presence, they rested in the Presence, and then they would sleep in the Presence. Wow! What a contrast with those who just casually come and go to church. What a privilege.

2. They had no other responsibilities

Now I am jealous. I find that I have so many items on my agenda each day. I have so many things that are crying for my attention. And just when I think I am beginning to catch up, something new and weighty is dropped on my lap. To think that the Levites had nothing in a day which could distract them from their one responsibility of worship! What a contrast.

3. They were on duty day and night

I don’t think many of us could adapt very well to being accepted for a new job and getting the contract only to learn that there are no vacation days, and that I am expected to be on duty day and night! They Levites served continuously. There was never any time when they were considered off duty, and not available. But if you have the most amazing job in the world, and work for the most amazing Boss there ever could be, and fulfill a role which literally sets people free and gives people hope and healing every single moment of every day, then maybe it is not as bad as we are imagining it to be. In fact, the whole time you are toiling, you are doing it under the anointing and favor of the Most High God. This is not “work”, it is fun! Did not the Psalmist write “In His presence is fullness of joy”?

We worship too little, too quietly, too coolly, and without consistency and commitment. In the end times, according to Acts 15:16, the Tabernacle of David will be rebuilt and restored. Worship will again become the central part of our kingdoms, the thing for which our hearts will long once again. If I could choose to be a member of a tribe, I would say, “Lord, let me be a Levite”. Can you imagine having God’s house as your address?