“And he was called the friend of God.” Jam 2:23

Only two people are given the distinguished title of Friend of God in scripture. What an honor! What a privilege! What a legacy! I can think of no greater elite class to be a part of than this space occupied by Moses and Abraham.

Exo 33:11 says “the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.” Lest we forget, Exodus was written by Moses. Over his lifetime, he had learned to cherish friendships—the sweetness of being able to sit with a brother in unguarded, unpretentious, heart-to-heart fellowship. How remarkable that he found no better way to describe the relationship he had built with God, the Creator of the Universe, than that He had become his friend! This kind of communication is marked by liberty, enjoyment, and embrace. Devoid of judgment or apprehension, Moses spoke with God face to face.

The testimony of Abraham’s friendship with God is even more rich, and compelling. We have no record of Abraham saying specifically that God was like a friend to him. So when James says he was called God’s friend, how did he know? On what was James basing such a delicious accolade?

Of course we have the record of Genesis itself. Story after story unveil a depth and quality of their relationship that has set a high bar for all God-chasers throughout history to strive for. I love the measure of peace and security it gave Abraham. Rather than react selfishly or out of frustration when tensions boiled with Lot and his growing household, he offers to let Lot settle in the best of the land. He knew God, his Friend, had promised him the whole land anyway, so what did it matter?!

I love how Abraham could just be flat out honest with God. When God appears to him in Genesis 15:1, Abraham quickly reminds him about the fact that after all these years he and Sarah still didn’t have any children. He wasn’t afraid to ask because, well, they spoke often, and they were comfortable with each other.

I encourage you to reread the stories of Abraham, attentive to the intimacy and affection present in their exchanges. If you’re like me, it will make you hungry for a repeat performance in your own life.

You may be surprised to discover the first time a direct reference to their friendship is mentioned is by King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chr 20:7. Jehoshaphat was one of those rare kings who followed in David’s footsteps. He loved the “Book of the Law” (2 Chr 17:9) and sent the Levites and priests throughout the land to teach the people. Impressed in his own readings by Abraham’s walk with God, he opines in a time of prayer, he was “Your friend forever”.

As moving as it is to know that James and Jehoshaphat enshrined the beautiful bond that existed between our father Abraham and his God, the verse that really wrecks me is Isaiah 41:8, where God Himself calls Abraham “My friend”. Think about it. God describes his relationship with Abraham as a friendship! It is one thing for me to claim that God is my Friend. It is quite another for God to affirm it and also claim me as His.

I can think of no greater epitaph than this. Beloved, let us make it our aim to be remembered—on earth and by Heaven—as God’s Friend.